

new kid on the block

新参者のシルバーナノ粒子が、ゴールドナノ粒子(今まで主役だった)にとって代わるかも、という記事。idiomのnew kid on the blockという表現が使われています。

From treating cancer to absorbing light in solar cells, metal nanoparticles have a huge range of potential applications. The gold standard in nanoparticle research is well, gold, it's stable, easy to handle and has all kinds of interesting properties, but there's a new kid on the block - silver. It may sound like second prize, but a nanoparticle made up of 44 silver atoms could kick gold off the top spot.

Cambridge Online Dictionaryの説明によると、意味は、

someone who is new in a place or organization and has many things to learn about it:

Realizing I was the new kid on the block in this job, I was determined to prove myself.

青文字で色付けした、kick gold off the top spot、も面白い表現ですね。文字通り、主役の座から蹴落とす、という感じ?
